Common Foot Ailments


Callouses and Corns:

Underlying bone problems can cause excessive irritation.
Where shoes repeatedly rub, dead skin cells pile up, creating callouses on the bottom of the foot and corns on the toes. Step Forward Products help with these conditions.


Produced by a muscle imbalance which causes the end joints of one or two (or more) smaller toes to bend down, while the closer joints bend up. Another cause may be Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.



Painful when the bursa sac becomes inflamed from irritation, caused by spreading of the forefoot (due to metatarsal weakness), pronation, supination or imbalance. Bunion discomfort can be allieviated with Step Forward’s Orthotics.


Plantar Neuroma:

A nerve growth that often accompanies metatarsalgia. It develops when the nerve between two metatarsal heads are pinched and bruised. Symptom: A burning numbness or electric shock sensation in the ball of the foot caused by tight shoes, repeated impacts or jolts to the forefoot or by a dropped metatarsal arch. As our Orthotics lift the Metatarsal Arch the impact is lessened on the painful area. About 80% less pressure on the area of discomfort which is a welcome relief to sufferers.


Heel Pain:

A chronic inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament-like structure that passes from the heel to forefoot. The inflammation is caused by the fascia partially pulling away from the heel. A bony spur – which may or may not cause pain – can also develop here, caused by excessive heel rotation, excessive heel pounding, longitudinal arch weakness, and/or stretched plantar muscles. Step Forward’s Orthotics have an almost immediate effect of allieviating the discomfort associated with this condition. Sounds incredible but many people have reported that the pain is almost immediately, reduced considerably.

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